Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas is here - 24th December 2014

Christmas Eve 2014

For many millions (even billions) of people, this time of the year brings to mind a special time.
  As I look back on the many sad events of 2014 and consider 2015,  I think of the statement in a book I was reading, The Passion of the Western Mind : Understanding the Ideas That Have Shaped Our World View by the historian Richard Tarnas where the author noted at one point, "The one great saving grace in history was the church founded by Jesus Christ"

 It has been cold here in Yeosu.  We have even had some snow but it never settles just falls to earth and melts.
Perhaps you are unsure where exactly we are.  Yeosu is at the bottom of the Korean Peninsular.  It is 4.5 hours by bus from Seoul.    Japan is closer.
Yeosu is the red dot.

Funny/cute story
Last post I told the story of a little 4 year old boy who had come back from a tropical country.  He was amazed at his "breath" when he he exhaled on a cold day.  He was " a dragon".
Actually his family was expelled from the African country with the clothes they were wearing,  the security took everything (including phones and computers).
When they arrived here they had to buy everything again and a TV was not a top priority.
Last week the 4 year old asked could he have a TV.
His father asked, " Why do you want a TV?"
He replied, " To watch cartoons and it is boring here."
(Both his parents are busy doing English homework and additionally his mother is pregnant)
His father explained that he should pray for a TV.  He did so immediately.
The next day they are going home from MTI and his father notices a TV in the pickup rubbish outside our neighborhood shop.  He goes inside and asks if he can have it.
"I'm sorry but it is broken beyond repair." explains the shop keeper.
He tells the story of his son and of course she is charmed.
A happy boy with a TV!

They continue the 10 minute walk home and before they arrived he gets a phone call from the shop keeper.
She had rushed next door as she had remember that the next door shop had just bought a new TV.  They were happy to donate their old one to a little boy so then she had come to the school, got his phone number and... Voila .. prayer answered.

Cultural Story
Korea  is obsessed with education. 70% of High School graduates attend a university.  This is the highest % of OECD countries. The exam pressure on students is immense.  Their exam results determine which university they can attend.  Our blog post of 1/4/2012 gave some details, you can check back if you are interested.
This pressure extends to many areas with Public Service Exams and other areas requiring good exam results to have a chance of appointment.  Unfortunately most education seems to rely on memory.  Original thinking and reasoning are not highly tested or considered.
This pressure leads unfortunately to significant youth suicide at High School and University. 

Food Story
Yes!! My usual topic - food.

We went out as a group.  One person wanted to eat these special Gourmet Korean hamburgers(please note I put the word "gourmet" before the word "Korean" NOT before the work "hamburger".
There had been a program on National TV about this place.  They're so popular that sometimes the wait is 60 mins. Count me in. I'm the man who thinks Mc Donalds is a American invasion but for Korean burgers - I AM there.

It was a hole in the wall!! The counter was on the street and only 4 people standing shoulder to shoulder could be served.
Next door to the Gourmet Korean burgers
I managed to "treat" them all, so we all 8 of us had  Korean gourmet hamburgers - total cost $AUD22. I also had to deal with my new "drunk" friend who was standing there.  He wanted to buy me a special hamburger (or a few drinks), I'm not sure which???  Maybe both!!
Anyway! So what was gourmet? 
Bun, fried in butter, a patty of special beef (as thin as a piece of card), finely sliced cabbage (enough to fill a Tonker truck), scrambled egg with red beans in it, a thick (as thick as your mobile phone) slice of cucumber, a slice of SPAM and all covered/buried/saturated/drowned in  tomato sauce.

Me (soon us as Aileen arrives in Seoul in 2 days -boxing day)

There are many people here planning for their future.
Where are they being lead?  Where will they get finances?
Some want/feel lead to go to a dangerous country but their church wants them to go to a safe country.  Others are just not sure. We are greatly humbled by these young (and not so young) enthusiastic Christians.  Please pray for them and that we can help them in some small way to follow their leading.
My class has 7 students.  They are quite an eclectic mix, more about them another day.

Yeosu is on the coast and its waters are famous for fishing and aquaculture.  They cultivate oysters,  fish, seaweed, shell fish and various exotic sea creatures.  It is a very beautiful area.

Yeosu harbour

Yeosu harbour
Peace and grace at this time of the year.
Robin and Aileen

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


I (Robin) am back in South Korea - again.  This time the plan became more complicated with Aileen coming Boxing Day.

She will run a "camp" for the MK kids whose parents are learning English.  There are about 13 of them.  The exciting part is that she has been asked to bring helpers, namely our daughter Katy and our two Grandchildren (Katy's children) Emily and Max.

I have a class of 7 students, and the schools has a total of 32 students - about the maximum they take.

As usual I am impressed even astounded by the students in the school.  Just wonderful people with a diverse background of experience and history.  Unfortunately the stories and names must be confidential.  No photos of many of these people are allowed as they come from places where their friends and co-workers are at risk,  even serious risk.
For this reason you will find no photos on this blog of any significant people.

Some of these people have suffered considerable stress and danger.  Some were thrown out of a country with only the clothes they wore for a fabricated reason.

These people are happy, relaxed (now) and assured they are in the right place.

A funny story: 
A little 4-5 year old Korean boy who has come back with his family from 5 years in a tropical  country.  His first real winter and his first cold day.  He is on the way to kindy and notices that as he breathes out there is a cloud of vapour.
   "Daddy, Daddy look! I must be a dragon."

Koreans are so busy they no longer say, " We can do it!".   Rather they say, "Weekend Do It!!"

A true story
A group of North Koreans had escaped to China.  They approached a Korean American who visits to help such people.  They asked him to help them get to South Korea.  After some thought he said yes he could help them.  They asked for some time to ask if this was the next step that God wanted them to take.
Twenty minutes later they came back. God had spoken to them and told them to go back to North Korea as "missionaries" - well "underground missionaries" in fact.  They felt that this was certainly what they should do.   
When he returned to the Chinese town again some months later he inquired about the group.  They had indeed returned and had been executed by the North Korean government.

Aileen will be here soon.
The food is great and I had a weekend in Busan.  Truly an amazing city.
I suggest you check out the following time lapse of Seoul:

Finally some photos - food.



They were certainly fresh and tasty.

Students at a bar b que
Just your average Busan bridge?